I) Type of Member - PGC Applicant i) Eligibility a) An applicant should be resident of tri-city/residence located within the radius of 25 kms of Panchkula Golf Club. b) Age Limit – Minimum 18 years (other than student’s category). c) He/she should not have been convicted by the court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude. d) He/she should not have been declared to be undercharged insolvent. e) Minimum Golf Handicap should be 24 and 30 for gentlemen and ladies respectively.
ii) Charges
a) Processing fee of Rs. 9440/- at the time of submission of application form.
iii) Seniority Seniority of an applicant shall be fixed as per the date of qualifying the handicap t test and accordingly an applicant number shall be allotted for future correspondence. iv) Facilities to PGC Applicant
a) May use catering services in Gazebo on cash/coupons on the day of play. b) Guest not allowed.
v) Ceiling
No limit. II) Type of Member - Registered Member i) Eligibility a) He/she should be a PGC applicant for a minimum period of three months.
b) He/she should have 30 score cards as proof of playing a round of 18 holes in the course along-with green fee receipts pertaining to the period he/she had remained PGC applicant but for period not later than one year from the date he/she became PGC applicant. c) A senior citizen of more than 65 years age may produce the score card of playing 9 holes. d) Minimum Golf handicap should be 22 and 30 for gentlemen and ladies, respectively. e) PGC applicants found defaulters in the payment of club dues shall not be upgraded to the category of registered member.
ii) Charges a) Entrance fee - 30% of the entitled category. b) Full Security deposit as applicable. c) Green fee: - i) Weekdays - To be charged 60% of the existing green fee. ii) Weekends/Holidays – No rebate. iii) Facilities to Registered Member a) Allowed to play only on weekdays at non prime time. b) May use catering & bar services in club house & gazebo on the day of play. c) Guest not allowed. d) Facilities of health club, gym & swimming pool not allowed. iv) Ceiling 1000
III) Type of Member - Mid Week Member i) Eligibility a) He/she should be a registered member for a period of at-least 3 months. b) He/she should have 30 score card as proof of playing a round of 18 holes in the course along-with green fee receipts.During the period he/she should have remained registered member but for period not later than one year after attaining the status of registered member. c) Minimum golf handicap should be 20 and 28 for gentlemen and ladies, respectively. d) Registered member found defaulters in the payment of club dues shall not be upgraded to the category of mid week member
ii) Charges a) Entrance fee – 50% in the applicable category, thus making it to 80% of the total entrance fee. b) Monthly subscription – Rs. 1000/- pm.
iii) Facilities to Mid Week Member a) Allowed to play only on week days without paying any green fee. b) Allowed to use all existing facilities in the club house as per terms & conditions applicable for permanent members. c) He may be allowed to bring two guests as per applicable guest charges. d) Dependents are also allowed to avail facilities of course and club on payment of additional charges as applicable. e) Mid- week members are not allowed to avail reciprocal facilities with other clubs.
iv) Ceiling
IV) Type of Member - Permanent Member i) Eligibility a) He/she should have been a mid-week member for a period of at-least 3 months. b) He/she should have 30 score cards as proof of playing a round of 18 holes in the course, for the period he/she had remained mid week member but for the period not later than one year after becoming a mid week member. c) Minimum handicap should be 18 and 26 for gentlemen and ladies, respectively. d) Mid-week members found defaulters in the payment of their club dues shall not be up-graded to the category of Permanent Member. ii) Charges a) 20% balance of entrance fee as applicable for the category to which the member belongs. b) Monthly subscription Rs. 800/- as amended from time to time.
iii) Facilities to Permanent Member a) All facilities available in the course and club. b) 20% rebate facility to the senior citizens of more than 65 years of age and waiving off full monthly subscription in respect of members more than 75 years of age shall only be applicable to those who have been permanent members of the club for last two years and five years respectively
iv) Ceiling
2250 V) Type of Member - Tenure Member i) Eligibility a) Officers equivalent in seniority and status of Js GOI and above and posted at Panchkula or Chandigarh on transfer basis.
b) Officers (as per category A & B) on transfer/deputation at Panchkula or Chandigarh and considered useful by Chief Secretary-cum- President/Senior Vice President/Vice President Panchkula Golf Club to Govt. of Haryana / Panchkula Golf Club may also be inducted as tenure members of the club.
c) Minimum golf handicap for gentlemen and ladies 24 and 30,respectively.
ii) Charges a) Charges :- i) Entrance fee - Rs. 20000/- ii) Security - Rs. 5000/- iii) Monthly sub. - Rs. 400/- b) The following charges shall be applicable if a Tenure Member applies for permanent membership of the club:- i) Processing fee - Rs. 9440/- ii) Entrance fee - As applicable after adjusting the fee already paid to become a tenure member. iii) Facilities to Tenure Member Can avail all facilities available in course & club.
iv) Ceiling 20 v) Tenure Tenure membership can be extended upto one year after retirement.
VI) Type of Member - Associate Dependent Members ( Ward of permanent members of golf club) The wards of Panchkula Golf Club members, on attaining the age of 18 years and prior to 21 years of age are entitled to apply for the new category called “Associate Dependent Members” as per the procedure mentioned below :- 1. Procedure a) These members may be inducted in the category of Mid-Week members for seniority purposes and shall follow the laid down procedure as applicable to other members in this category. They will be charged: - i) Processing fee - Rs. 9440 ii) Entrance fee - Rs. 15,000/- iii) Monthly subscription - Rs. 500/- b) The Associate Dependent membership shall be applicable till the age of 28 years, thereafter they will have to apply in the category as per the profession/service/business they join. The entry fee paid by the wards shall be adjusted in their respective categories after 28 years of age. 2. Facilities a) They may be allowed to play in the course during week days only. b) All other facilities as applicable to mid-week members shall be applicable. c) 50% rebate in practice range.